Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Marquise of Thelema or Libertinism Effects.

For about eighteen months the Marquis de Telem, a man of very good house, but not wealthy, had just married in Poitiers, his country, one of the most beautiful and richest legacy of the province, no household was more united, comfort, harmony, urban, mutual trust, respect and love the most tender tightened each day touching the nodes of this couple: they did not see the point without admiration, we do frequented point without respect. But it's not without reason that painted the master of the gods between two huge vases of which is filled with evils, the other of peace: his hand, said to be still paying it pure takes in the first vessel; she spreads a bit of the second, it is never without mixing. In six weeks, a disease outbreak cost the young Marquise all parents: a stranger comes, he says the elder brother of Madame de Telem, it is protected, he has friends, and Capital M. Telem, almost based entirely on the dowry of his wife, disappearing in one minute, reduced to the most terrible adversity one of the brightest house in the province. But nothing is easier than coming back against a ruling as unjust, it was only to appear and ask, Ms. Telem actually had a brother once, but this brother, certainly killed in a duel, could certainly reappear. The imposter claimed the story of the duel, but he assured that he had been wounded, he proved that to get away from the rigor of the law, he had been away a few years and finally the learner death of his father, he had reappeared to collect the estate: the tale was absurd, she had been accredited for a moment that some are and much effrontery. What to do yet in a cruel circumstance? M. Telem did not hesitate, he has everything he could find money, and his wife decided to go herself to Paris to plead this important matter and assured that nothing of judges determined in this country there as the stresses of a pretty woman. This young and inexperienced shy person at first dare to undertake a major undertaking, she is afraid to fail: what will happen if she spent in Paris after what little is left to both spouses, it is obliged without returning successful? Dare she remonstrate the eyes of a husband she adores, she is deceiving without her fault and she will die of grief he could think of taking Women? Delicacy suggests twenty different ways to the one he proposes: it will sell the little that remains, she offers to her husband in a small compensation, and she will retreat into a monastery for them to finish the rest of his life. It will disappear, you do see her again, or if you will, it will work, she will earn her living and her husband will go to all that his talent will bring him ... None of these parties dictated less by wisdom than by desperation, pleasing no M. Telem: he told his wife that he must go, he must go to seek her own trial, and adds to a firm tone that it takes more, he must win. Defeated by bodies such lively, with prayers that are too similar to last orders for the young Marquise could be mistaken, she left with a maid named Flavio, about twenty years, a charming face and recognized for a girl of spirit.

Often a country gentleman who never served, provided a good life, not holding to its name and its property, or Paris without protection as without knowledge, without its consideration suffering among the countrymen among whom he is and who are accustomed to cherish and respect it.

One might regard it as chimerical, that this consideration is only acquired in the lobby of Ministers and is not in the morals of the nation, the story of a century or two at most, one can still deal with a matter of fashion, and must see eye to eye with the big hats and big hats: the narrow circle of luxury goods varies from one season to another, situations, ways of living, major customs in one word are a bit longer to go through all the points of the circumference, but yet they end up changing too, and this revolution already announced by Agroman, is perhaps not so remote that is believed in France. The possessor of great fiefs will eventually see that this is not at Versailles that is really powerful, that is confused, or less often with the crush of their luxury, or with superiors who condescend so far as they can, there plays the role of a slave can be sovereign while at home.

Anyway, the Marquis de Telem not known in the capital, and not wanting to stoop to apply for letters of recommendation to the intendant of the province, imagined that his wife with a pretty face, a beautiful name and money, was all it took to succeed, and it is this situation that the young Marquise had arrived where we said. The very next day she sent for a prosecutor, she tells him her business, she admits she has little contact on the side of protection, but it promises to pay well if he did win a trial as fair and as important to it. The opponent of Ms. Telem no longer in Paris: glad I succeeded by his fraud, he had returned to Poitou and was already involved to return the property he claimed belonged to him.

The class of wealthy libertines of Paris is never without agents in all states and the order of prosecutors for her is much less than you think to overlook a lot of widows and orphans falling daily in their nets , what advantage is there not to shoot for a wealthy libertine, a clever Mercury in this brotherhood. By a very singular fatality, St. Verac, attorney for Ms. Telem, was also the adviser to Mr. Bonneau Fondor, one of the richest contractors of the capital, he had no sooner saw a young wife of seventeen years, the size of the more nimble and more pleasant, with the freshest mouth, two black eyes the liveliest, the hair of the world's most beautiful, most beautiful throat, skin, the more soft and whiter, features the most delicate and all in one word the most touching and most flattering, he ran to tell his boss that Venus herself was coming to visit Kythera probably states his son or to exit the metaphor, he confided that the provincial natural, easy to make alms in eight days, was a delightful piece that fate would not bring him to Paris to, in respect of his case, and she was sure that after visiting with her all the papers, it was clear that the claim property being an impostor, it was only to inform Parliament in a month of Ms. Telem retrouvât mistress is what delighted him.

- That is the best in the world, "said Fondor, but we must behave well here, and it is best to do is, I think, to begin withdrawing from the young person everything that he can stay ECU; go during that time Master of secretly successful trial, make him see as impossible, put the point of being forced to leave the dagger in the heart and when we get there, you introduce me, you announce me as a man credit, I'll do my offers. If the fine is severe, much gained, soon we redefine what we have done and we shall send the check to her husband if she goes to the contrary, we will do our final steps, he will win his case, and the costs that we get appropriate and I advance if the party was insolvent the compensation of what he needed, my dear St. Verac that grab you by you start immediately to prepare the tracks, because nothing is done to a woman who has money: the virtue of these ladies rule fairly common on the condition of the award and is not bald sooner we find them softer than lambs.

Such were the principles of this maltĂ´tier, is probably of similar traits; not accustomed to having only its ugly gold, what a sensitive man wants to hold that the love he had found women from the cruel position in which he had apparently reduced, and have never been close at heart because they know he has never been so delicate or so kind to ignite any, he retaliated by abandonment that sex adorable have never been able to look in his eyes an object of hatred and contempt. Fondor was already old, a despicable figure, a turn short and square to the cashier who felt a mile away, but still very lively and desires neglecting nothing to satiate on the spot.

Everything was arranged on the plan had traced the contractor and the day after St. Verac began to act, he felt Ms. Telem difficulties of such a trial ... What protection it could swing those of his opponent? there were many, was a charming cavalier: he had experienced during his stay he had made in Paris, though and would not have mingled with his business, this young man was interested in the whole court and all the city, his claims seemed unassailable, how to dismiss the claim? The trial then would be ruinous indeed, there Mrs Telem eat everything she had, and eventually perhaps be obliged to return on foot in his province about a husband who surely would treat badly , no longer seeing it as a woman who had ruined, perhaps it would be best that Ms. Telem spared the little money he had left and go back to Poitiers, without even starting a damn thing which required huge amounts of coverage and endless ... Our heroine interesting shed tears for any response ... but a man who has the misfortune to wear a black dress and live public dissent he never softened to tears? the most beautiful women in France would flood his feet he would take care of no less than his roguery, his avarice or his lust ... It is an armor that comic cover; we would rather repleuvoir manna from heaven that we would find an honest soul in any of the unfortunate individuals who have the misfortune to wear it, whatever the title that decorates them.

- But, Madam, "continued St. Verac, if you persist, we will plead hand I will answer for nothing ... entrust me first state of your funds.

- Alas, sir, "replied the marquise, anything we could do is five hundred pounds, and my husband who has no fortune than mine, is ruined if I am, and this sum formed fortunately our savings s is found all that we had in the moment when our revenues were seized.

- Five hundred pounds, said St. Verac rising and winning the door, looking for among our clergy, madam, someone who wants to undertake such an affair for five hundred louis for me who do not know what to do even there the first advances, you will find useful if I do not meddle.

- But sir, I have some jewelry.

- How much are they?

- Perhaps as much more.

- Yes, by buying them, but no more than half if you sell here, well, as it is certain that everything will pass, defeat you on the spot for these trinkets, and let us see what the all together can give us.

After some difficulties the Marquise consented, and they agreed that the next day would work out a jeweler's jewelry.

- This agreement, said the prosecutor, it is now because you will return it fully to my advice, you start to leave the dwelling it far too beautiful for your situation, and indicating at the same time a small hotel opposite obscure positively Fondor the house: here, he said, where you must go and stay, I will be at hand to you, you'll be less expensive and more isolated, all these things are necessary in your position, it can not be more essential than the first time you see absolutely no one or at most that people needed for our business, that I will undertake to introduce myself.

And these recommendations, San Verac withdrew taking with him the slight deposit of two hundred pounds, for, he said, to what are called irons in the fire.

Ms. Telem agreed to make her husband the day by day account of his conduct more accurate, never failed to write that same evening all that had happened, but as she had carte blanche on everything, she continued to act as it wishes and to comply with the intentions of those who directed it, she left the hotel in which she was brilliant and came down the next day work out in the neighbor Fondor, where everything was already prepared to receive as he intended that she was. The very shabby apartment that had its windows gave a positive opposite of those of firm Fondor, but so that plunging into this apartment unless we do should close the curtains, it became impossible to Ms. Telem to hide his actions to those who would consider the firm's cross our financial. It was there, where the libertine stared from the first day at his ease, and away, where his heart's passion was kindled adult most he had ever tried illegal in his life, but these stirrings of debauchery ignore the delicacy of feeling which n'encensant that the object he loves, sacrifices everything to this single deity, and would believe a crime inconstancy, Flavie sole and exclusive remedy for the unhappy Marquise, Flavie almost as well as its mistress, heated so the intemperance of those nasty animals, and believed not only able to meet no danger, but even this creature seduced by him, only serve to hasten the defeat of another. The next day he confided in St. Verac, and as it could find no inconvenience in the pursuit, the mistress of the lodging-house on the unfortunate Flavie that point taking a hundred francs amply satisfied financier as soon as he wished, and became then one of the most faithful slave of his desires. Once we saw her so well earned, we thought he could entrust the project, approved it, she promised to serve him, and was unfortunate to point swear Fondor that if the attorney failed to promptly reduce its mistress the state of misery where it wanted, she would rather steal, to have the pleasure of seeing
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. . . were outside, do not imagine that I've done more.

- What, sir, do not you tell me you would return my money, and that you would support my case?

- I could say many things without seeing, and I have to retract a lot after seeing, is it fair that I pay you more than you're worth? ...

And a move of desperation by Ms. awful striking of Telem:

- Madam, there are plenty of things that are said to enjoy before, and we are far from thinking after this treacherous hand of enjoyment tears the veil of prestige and leaves the object in a truth which is although commonly fatal, this ... my angel, I know he still does some ... do better
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. . . formed just as little, and finally undeceived on the service it was thought would Fondor to her mistress, went to the feet of his mistress the few moments where they were left alone and watered with his tears the knees of the woman that it was so horribly betrayed: she confessed that she had been seduced and confessed shedding bitter tears, and his care
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . What has happened to you, madam, "he said, turning to the Marquise, had you seem very extraordinary, and yet that is the thing in the world more simple visit to Paris without credit, without resources, unprotected, barely aged seventeen years and a pretty face too, you had to necessarily be fooled, it's not your fault

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