Saturday, January 8, 2011

Catch me always of the same

There are few things in the world as libertines that Cardinal ... which, considering the existence healthy and strong again, allow me to mention. The hill was an arrangement made in Rome with one of those women whose job is to provide informal poached items needed to feed their passions and each morning she brings a little girl of thirteen or fourteen at most , but lord only enjoys this so incongruous that the Italians are commonly their delight, whereby the vestal, leaves the hands of His Grace as pristine about it is coming, can be resold as new again libertine some more decent. The matron fully aware of the cardinal maxims, not finding one day be at hand day she was engaged to provide, was inspired to dress in a pretty little girl acolyte of the church's chief apostles he had arranged hair, hat, slips, and all the paraphernalia that was unrealistic to impose upon the holy man of God. We did not, however, could give him what really would have guaranteed him a total similarity with the sex he imitated but this circumstance greatly embarrassed little camera ... There began the hand of her days, she said that of his companions who helped in the charade, he will visit very definitely what this equates to every girl child of the universe, so we don 'have nothing to fear ...

Mom is blouse, she knew without doubt that Italian cardinal is too delicate touch, and taste too exercised, to err in such things, the victim arrived, the high priest sacrifices, but by the third shock :

- Per Dio santo, "exclaims the man of God, ingannato sono, รจ questo bambino ragazzo, May Putana not fu!

And checks ... Nothing too untoward is found, however, in this adventure to an inhabitant of the Holy City, the hill is his train, saying, perhaps as a peasant who had been used for truffle potatoes: Get me always the same. But when the operation was made:

- Madame, "he said to the dame, I do not blame you for your mistake.

- My Lord, forgive.

- Oh no, no, I tell you, I do not blame you, but when it will happen again, do not forget to warn me, because ... I do not see in the first case, I see him in it.

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