M. Sernenval, aged about forty, with twelve or fifteen thousand a year he ate quietly in Paris, not mingling with most trade he had once followed the career, and simply to any distinction of the title honorable citizens of Paris to the alderman, had just married a few years since the daughter of one of his former colleagues, aged for at twenty-four. Nothing is so fresh, so plump, so plump, so white that Madame de Sernenval: it was not made like the Graces, but it was appetizing as the mother of love, she had no port of a queen, but she had so much pleasure in all, eyes are so tender and full of languor, a pretty mouth, throat so firm and round, and if everything else is the desire to give birth, that it was very few beautiful women in Paris [which] we would have preferred not. But Madame de Sernenval, with so many attractions in the physical capital had a defect in the mind ... a prudery unbearable devotion exceed, and a kind of modesty so ridiculously excessive that it was impossible for her to persuade her husband to appear in his companies. Pushing the bigotry in the extreme, it was very rare that Ms. Sernenval wished to spend a whole night with her husband, and the same time she deigned to grant it, it was always with excess reserves, a shirt that we do not fell. An artistically performed in eyecup portico of the temple of hymen still allowed entry only to express terms of any indecent touching, and no carnal conjunction, it would put Madame de Sernenval furious, if we wanted to overstep the bounds imposed in its modesty, and the husband who had tried, might have run the risk of not recovering the good graces of the wise and virtuous female. M. Sernenval laughed all mummeries, but as he adored his wife, he deigned to meet its weaknesses, though sometimes he tried to preach, he showed the clearest way that is not passing his life in churches or priests with a really good woman fulfills her duties as first of all are those of his house, necessarily neglected by a devotee, and would respect the views of much more by living for the Lord an honest way in the world than going to bury in the cloisters, there was infinitely more dangerous with the standards of Mary with those friends whom she refused ridiculously safe society.
- I must know you and I love you as much as I do, added to that of Mr. Sernenval, though not very worried about you all these religious practices. Make sure that you do not forget sometimes rather on the soft bed of the Levites, that the altars of the god? Nothing is so dangerous that all these rogues priests is always talking about God they seduce our women and girls, and it's always in his name they dishonor us or deceive us. Believe me, dear, we can all be honest, it is neither in the monk's cell or in the niche of the idol that virtue builds his temple, in the heart of a wise woman and the decent companies that I have offers nothing that is combined with the cult that you owe him ... You go into the world to one of its most loyal sectatrices: I think, but what proof do I have that you really deserve this reputation? I would think much better if I saw you resist to artful attacks: this is not the woman who puts himself in the case of never being seduced, whose virtue is best seen is that which is confident enough to expose himself to everything without fear.
Madame de Sernenval no answer to this, because in fact the argument was not answered, but she wept, shared resource of weak women, seduced, or false, and her husband did not dare go further lesson.
Things were in this state when a former friend of Sernenval, named Desportes, Nancy came to see it and conclude at the same time he had some business in the capital. Desportes was a bon vivant, age about his friend and did not hate any of the pleasures which nature has kindly allowed man to use to forget the evils which it overwhelms him and he can not resist to offer him a home made Sernenval home, welcomes the pleasure of seeing him, and was surprised at the same time the severity of his wife, since she knows the stranger in the house, refuses absolutely not looking and even more down to meals. Desportes believes that embarrassment, he wants to stay elsewhere, Sernenval prevents him, and he finally confesses all the absurdities of his loving wife.
- Forgive him, "said the gullible husband, she bought these wrongs by so many virtues that she got my indulgence, and I would ask you yours.
- That's right, meets Desportes, when there is nothing personal for me, I pass everything, and defects of the woman that I love will never to me that respectable qualities .
Sernenval kisses his friend and we no longer deal than pleasure.
If the stupidity of two or three blockheads who for fifty years in Paris the governing party of prostitutes and namely that of a rogue who won the Spanish reign last hundred thousand dollars a year in the kind of inquisition which we will talk if the dish rigor of these people had not foolishly imagined that one of the most popular ways to carry the state, one of the safest jurisdictions of government, a foundation of virtue then, was to order these creatures give an exact account of the part of their body that celebrates the best the individual who woos, between a man watching a stud for example, or considering a fall back, there's definitely the same difference between an honest man and a scoundrel, and he who has fallen into either of these cases (it is the fashion) must necessarily be the greatest enemy of the state, but for those despicable platitudes, "I said, it is certain that two worthy citizens one of whom was a woman bigot, and the other is single, could quite legitimately spend an hour or two from these ladies then, but these absurd infamy chilling pleasure of citizens, it did not come to mind to Sernenval Desportes only suspect in this kind of dissipation. This perceiving and not suspecting reasons, asked his friend why he had already offered all the pleasures of the capital, he had not spoken to him? Sernenval contends the stupid Inquisition, Desportes in pleasant, and notwithstanding the m lists, reports of commissioners, depositions and free of all other branches of knavery established by the chief pleasures of this part of the clown of Lutece, he told his friend that he really wanted dinner with whores.
- Listen, Sernenval said, I agree, I will serve you well introducer for proof of my philosophical way of thinking on this subject, but with a delicacy that I hope you do not blame, for the feelings I have Finally my wife and it is not in me to win, you will I do not share your pleasures, I'll get and stay in there.
Desportes ridicules his friend a moment, but seeing him determined not to let themselves start on this subject agrees to everything, and we share.
The famous S. J. was the priestess at the temple which Sernenval inspired to sacrifice his friend.
- It's a confident woman that we need, "said Sernenval, an honest woman, this friend that I implore you care only for a moment in Paris, he would not bring this bad in his province and you lose reputation, and tell us frankly if you have what it needs and what you want to provide him with enjoyment.
- Listen, "said S. J., I see who I am addressing, not people like you that I cheat, I'll talk to you as an honest woman and my methods will prove to you that I am. I your case, it is only to pay the price, it's a charming woman, a creature that will delight you as soon as you hear ... is finally what we call a piece of priest, and you know that these people are my best practices, I do not give them what I have to worst ... Three days ago Mr. Bishop Mr. gave me twenty pounds, the Archbishop of R. made him gain fifty yesterday and this morning it still earned me thirty in the coadjutor ... I offer it to ten and that in truth, gentlemen, to deserve the honor of your esteem, but it must be accurate at the date and time, it is potentially a husband and a jealous husband who has eyes only for her, unable to enjoy only stolen moments, so do not miss a minute those we agreed ...
Desportes haggled a bit, do not whore paid ten pounds in all Lorraine, the more he tried to decline, he boasted over the goods, in short, he agreed and the next day, ten o'clock in the morning was the time chosen for the appointment. Sernenval not wishing to be half in this game, he was no longer a supper, whereby we had this moment of Desportes glad to send that case early in order to attend the rest of the day to other more critical duties to perform. The hour strikes, our two friends arrive at their charming go-between, a boudoir where only one day reign dark and voluptuous, which contains the goddess Desportes will sacrifice.
- Happy love child, "said Sernenval by pushing it into the sanctuary, flies into the arms voluptuous that one extends to you, and come after me only account for your pleasure, I rejoice in your happiness, and my joy will be more pure than I'm not jealous.
Catechumen enters our three hours together barely enough to his tribute, he finally returns to ensure that his friend of his days he saw nothing of the sort and the mother even love would not have given so much pleasure.
- It is delicious, "said Sernenval half ignited.
- Delicious? ah I would not find expression that can make you what it is, and in that instant it even when the illusion must be broken, I feel there is any brush that can paint the delights torrents in which it plunged me. She joined the graces it has received from nature, an art so sensual to assert them, she knows how to put salt, spice so real in his enjoyment that I'm still drunk ... Oh! my friend Tates away, I beg you, any habit that you can have the beauty of Paris, I am sure you admit to me that none of them ever earned in your eyes that one.
Sernenval still firm, but still moved a little curiosity, asks S. J. to pass the girl in front of him when she left the firm ... It agrees, the two friends stand for a better view, and the princess passes proudly ...
Good heavens, what becomes Sernenval when he recognizes his wife, she ... this is a prude who dared get out of modesty before a friend of her husband, has the audacity to come into prostitution in such a house.
- Wretch! he exclaimed in a rage ...
But in vain he wants to revel in this treacherous creature, she recognized him as quickly as it had been noticed and she was already far from home. Sernenval in a state hard to say, wants to attack S. J. ; It apologizes on ignorance as it is, it ensures that there Sernenval over ten years, that is to say, well prior to the marriage of the unfortunate that this young person is in parts it.
- The rogue! cried the unhappy husband, his friend tried in vain to console ... but no, it's over, contempt is all that I owe him, whether it is never covered mine and I learned, through this cruel ordeal, it is never from the hypocritical mask of To advise women need to try them.
Sernenval returned home, but he found her more whore, she had already made up his mind, he is not worried, not daring to support his friend's presence after what had happened, broke up the after him, and the unfortunate Sernenval isolated, penetrated with shame and grief, made a quarto cons wives hypocrites who corrected the point that women and men do lurent ever.
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